for employers

Support Employees Navigating Serious Illness and Bereavement

Proactive messaging that increases employee satisfaction and curbs unnecessary healthcare spend.

Get Betterleave
a woman sitting on a couch using a laptop computer
a picture of a line of arrows going in different directions
Workflow automation for HR teams
a white and green icon of a sheet of paper
Tangible steps for individuals and managers
the silhouette of a person in a square frame
Grief expert moderated content
a white and green icon of a sheet of paper
Compassionate communication templates
a laptop with a book on top of it
Helpful resources for global teams
“Betterleave is addressing a critical gap in employer support by offering a platform that equips HR partners and managers with the tools & insights to support employees experiencing bereavement."
TRACY DESMOND, Head of Global Benefits, Wellbeing & Mobility at Airbnb

A platform designed to help you support employees navigating serious illness and bereavement

an orange arrow pointing to the left on a white background

Improve wellbeing & retention

Replacing an employee costs 50%-200% of their salary (SHRM). Help employees navigate end-of-life, grief and bereavement reducing stress and burnout.

an orange arrow pointing to the left on a white background

Boost productivity

Grieving employees lose ~30 workdays per year due to absenteeism (National Council for Palliative Care). Structured support minimizes absenteeism and helps employees return to work stronger.

an orange arrow pointing to the left on a white background

Reduce healthcare spend

A bereavement support program can reduce mental health claims by 10-20%, saving $1,000+ per employee per year in healthcare costs.

a woman with long hair wearing a shirttwo women walking in a park holding hands
Cara with her mom, Barbara

"As a longtime HR leader, I considered myself an expert on benefit programs. I directed HR for a tech company in Austin, after all. My job was helping other employees navigate through crises in their own lives—and I prided myself in doing this work well.

Then, my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. There’s nothing quite like a personal crisis to show you just how much more you have to learn."

CARA MCCARTY ABBOTT, Founder of Betterleave
Read the full Forbes article here
Downloadable Guide

Five tools every people leader needs

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We've compiled the ultimate guide to supporting employees through grief, loss, and bereavement. Create your bereavement care policy and modernize your benefit strategy to meet the growing demand for inclusive family care with these five steps.


Better outcomes for all when we support our teams


of working caregivers of changed their work situation – reduced working hours or taken leave – following a loved ones advanced diagnosis.


Caregiver demands are the #2 reason (after retirement) for someone to exit the workforce.


of those who experience a loss while employed leave that job within 12 months.

"One of the challenges as a HR Professional is being able to do enough for your employees with only a certain amount of bandwidth.

Our partnership with Betterleave allows us to extend to a level of care and support as a department that we want to give to our employees."
ANGELA SHAW, Senior Vice President of Talent, Amplify Credit Union

Provide best-in-class bereavement support for your team – today

Use our form to request to join and a member of our team will reach out to get you started as soon as possible.